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8/31/2012 (Friday), Day 07:

Had a pretty easy day today. Woke up rather late and almost didn't make it to the beach but after some sort of pho that Wallace's family maid Tri made me for breakfast, I went to Stanley Market after all! It was fun! I even met a few travelers here and there. Folks from England, Australia, even had a beer with an Asian guy named Eddie who was working at a nearby university. I even went in the ocean at one point at a dog beach so it was cool to go swimming with the dogs! Not too bad. I almost didn't make the bus back in time but luckily I found it and got back okay. Showered and changed at the house and went back out to Hong Kong for a traditional dinner of pigeon! I found it interesting nobody gives fortune cookies here that's an American thing! Looks like tomorrow I will finalize a trip to the Mainland. Looking forward to seeing the Great Wall too next week! Glad I got to see the beach again today at least!


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