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1. Arrays and Lists in SQL Server
2. Building a T-SQL Loop
3. Calculate Different Dates
5. Comparing the Contents of Two Tables
6. Crib Sheet
7. Curse and Blessings of Dynamic SQL
8. Date and Time Functions
9. Date Formats
10. Date Periods
11. Determine Missing Identity Values
12. Dynamic Cross-Tabs and Pivot Tables
13. Email messaging system
14. Excel Workbench
15. Export Query results to Excel
16. Export/import data using BCP
17. Flattening Out Data
18. Fun with numbers
19. Fun With SQL Games
20. Functions, the good and the bad
21. Getting the Right Data with SQL Joins
22. Identify SQL Databases no longer in use
23. Insert Update Trigger How To
24. Instant SQL Formatter
25. Integer values from 1 to any given number
26. Introduction to Functions
27. Jeff's SQL Server Blog
28. Parse HTML
29. PRINT debug messages
30. Query Analyzer tricks
31. Random Numbers
32. Results to Excel using a linked server
33. Sample SQL Queries
34. Some Simple SQL Rules to Live By
35. SQL Joins Coding Horror
36. SQL Module ***
37. SQL NPI Validate Function
38. SQL Tutorial ***
39. Sum won't take varchar data type
40. Survival Guide
41. Table Vs Local Temp Table
42. Table-Valued Parameters
43. The Power of SQL CASE Statements
44. Tips and Tricks
45. Title Case Function for SQL Server
46. UPDATE Syntax
47. Useful Undocumented Procedures
48. User Defined Function Primer
49. User Functions Workbench
50. User-Defined Functions
51. Using BETWEEN
52. Using the CASE expression

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