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Pez 4/2/2002
My life spits out like a pez dispenser one candy at a time.
To chew it slowly and swallow only ends in time.
I feel it now but I never felt it then.
When will I feel the feeling again?
I do not know what I never will.
Still I feel it coming, one bit at a time.
Mine is mine and yours is yours.
Just upon the shores of the sea you come to me.
Let me be and I will spit out like a pez dispenser, one candy at a time.
Hardly any thought to think.
Hardly any blood to drink.
What can I use to sink into my brain again and again?
I feel it sometimes and then it just disappears into the skies above.
The rooftops that I will never see.
The skies that I will never climb.
The future that could never be.
You and me torn apart.
From heart to heart I knew it from the start.
Jump to conclusions and I may follow.
The life you lead so very hollow.
Please pull push put me in your place.
Left and right up and down whichever direction gets you sound.
Kill one another and then your brother.
What will this world come to?
Just another lie or two?
Forget what has been said.
Eventually, we will all end up dead!

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