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Martin Luther King Day
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1/15/2024 (Monday, 09:30 PM):
More snow!! Yikes!


1/15/2021 (Friday, 12:51 PM, Coworkers):
My coworker got to blow up a bunch of balloon animals for us at the work talent show online today! So cool!!


1/15/2020 (Wednesday, 06:59 PM):
Kind of a lot of carbs in this dinner but it was yummy all the same!


1/15/2019 (Tuesday, 07:26 PM):
My first day at ACR! Cool!!

1/15/2018 (Monday, 07:58 AM, Food):
Yummy breakfast!


1/15/2015 (Thursday, 06:16 PM):
Coming up at 9, the art of spontenaity. Really, NPR?

1/15/2012 (Sunday, 01:55 PM):
Ordered my Somewhat Something personal poetry book!

1/15/2010 (Friday, 09:49 PM):
Picked up my folks from the airport and just went out to Sea Pearl with them. It's actually going to be a relaxing weekend!

1/15/2006 (Sunday, 02:43 AM):
Goodyear, Tower Records, thai food. Ended the day hanging out with my friend Veronica from Tower Records and a few of her friends at Noodles & Co. Fun!!

1/15/2005 (Saturday, 10:17 PM):
My folks and Noah are in town this weekend. Noah and I watched Shrek 2 and the Incredibles. We all also went to the Spy Museum!

1/15/2004 (Thursday, 10:56 PM):
In New York visiting family this weekend!

1/15/2001 (Monday, 09:01 PM, Spain And More):
Today was the first day of classes. I had Computer Science and Microeconomics. After class I went to a cafe near school and ordered a pequena sangria. It turned out to be a small pitcher!
Diaries: Day 07

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