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1/25/2025 (Saturday, 02:21 PM):
I booked my trip to California to visit family! February 26-March 12. Will be staying at Mom and Dad's and working half the trip from there. Fun!

1/25/2022 (Tuesday, 06:56 PM):
Just another delivery from Chop Shop Taco. Yum!


1/25/2020 (Saturday, 11:59 PM, Concerts):
Here at Echostage for Estiva and Armin Van Buuren! What a crazy night but an awesome show!!
Concerts: Armin Van Buuren at Echostage


1/25/2011 (Tuesday, 03:51 PM):
I accepted a data analyst position today to work for Health Net. Contingent upon background check, I start February 14th!
Top Ten: Grown Unknown by Lia Ices


1/25/2010 (Monday, 09:23 AM):
It's the January wind that never fails.
Poetry: January Wind

1/25/2008 (Friday, 10:12 PM):
While I picked up Burnout Paradise from Best Buy a few days ago, I also picked up Nirvana's Unplugged DVD. I also bought Grosse Pointe Blank, Desperado, 12 Monkeys, Ong Bak, and Mad Season Live At The Moore all on DVD from Amazon! Woohoo!

1/25/2001 (Thursday, 11:26 PM, Spain And More):
I bought my tickets to Barcelona! First class roundtrip since second class was booked. My train didn't leave until 11 PM that night but while I was waiting I ran into Anna and Monica from AU at the train station. They were going to Portugal!
Diaries: Day 17

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