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12/19/2022 (Monday, 06:29 PM):
Damn Big Buns!!


12/19/2021 (Sunday, 08:57 PM):
Get The Led Out was as amazing as I thought it would be! Wow!!
Concerts: Get The Led Out at The Hamilton


12/19/2018 (Wednesday, 06:50 PM, Food):
After so much knee pain this week, much needed delivery from Delias down the street! Yum!


12/19/2017 (Tuesday, 12:26 PM, World Around Me):
What a warm day in December! Fun to walk around the lake with a coworker.


12/19/2015 (Saturday, 10:05 PM, Friends):
Festival of Lights in Manassas! And thai food! So cool!


12/19/2014 (Friday, 07:51 AM):
Last day of work before I go to Miami next week!

12/19/2009 (Saturday, 12:50 AM):
Michael and I watched King of Kong while waiting for Elyse to get home. Then I took them out to American Bistro to celebrate that my home SOLD! Yay! It was nice. At least I'm snowed in with the two coolest people. And I'm supposed to move tomorrow too!

12/19/2004 (Sunday, 05:49 PM):
It's snowing!! Yay!!!

12/19/2003 (Friday, 06:30 PM):
I just bought Great Big Sea tickets for March 17th, St Patrick's Day, this year at the 9:30! Yay!!

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