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4/7/2021 (Wednesday, 06:38 PM):
Turus for dinner! Yum!!


4/7/2019 (Sunday, 01:07 PM, Food):
I love it when my apartment building gives us free food! That omelette was pretty good too!!


4/7/2018 (Saturday, 10:56 PM, Exhibits):
Brightest Young Things Yuri's party at the Air and Space Museum in DC was fun tonight!


4/7/2016 (Thursday, 09:27 PM, Family):
Another family outing in DC!


4/7/2013 (Sunday, 12:29 AM):
Another Tortoise & Hare night with a great cover band and great friends!

4/7/2001 (Saturday, 11:28 PM):
Today we saw a Muslim mosque and went to a wax philosopher museum. We also saw the gardens of Ferdinand and Isabel and some pictures of Franco's dictatorship. We ate dinner at a place called Restaurante Boston.
Diaries: Day 89

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