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11/5/2021 (Friday, 06:14 PM, Even More Food):
Dinner from Khanh again! Love that squash soup!


11/5/2018 (Monday, 06:20 PM, Sake And Friends):
Sake going out in the rain!


11/5/2016 (Saturday, 04:52 PM, Around DC):
Beautiful day for a Fall tour of obscure monuments in DC!


11/5/2015 (Thursday, 012:5 PM, Food):
Not a bad lunch during work today!


11/5/2011 (Saturday, 10:56 AM):
Baltimore was awesome till around 3 AM when Ashley decided to disappear.

11/5/2009 (Thursday, 08:40 PM):
I've been working on Mirrorglassball.com a lot. I built a calendar in the backend and synched it up with my concerts database! It's really freaking cool.

11/5/2006 (Sunday, 10:17 AM):
Kim and Tim's wedding was so much fun!

11/5/2002 (Tuesday, 07:27 AM):
Headstrong! Headstrong!
Top Ten: Trapt by Trapt


11/5/2000 (Sunday, 07:30 AM):
A mis-created creature I am called.
Poetry: Mis-Created Creature

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