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5/7/2021 (Friday, 10:51 PM, Covid Livestreams): Fun to watch Jimmy do all of Caroline's Spine Attenton Please and especially cool to see Mrs Sullivan on piano! Funny my Mom fell asleep during our special Mother's Day shout out! Still what a cool show! And Happy Birthday to Jimmy!! Top Ten: When God Was Great by Mighty Mighty Bosstones
| 5/7/2020 (Thursday, 07:31 PM): Yay, a new poem! I call it Trying. Poetry: Trying
| 5/7/2018 (Monday, 12:44 PM, Food): Another day another lunch!
| 5/7/2016 (Saturday, 10:24 PM, Old Town Alexandria): What a cool day wandering around Old Town! Just a little flooding going on too!
| 5/7/2012 (Monday, 08:26 PM): The longer you wait for something to return, the less you actually want it to or remember why it was there in the first place. Poetry: Died And Dying Again Poetry: End Poetry: When Silence Happens
| 5/7/2011 (Saturday, 07:41 PM, Concerts): The Foals are at Ottobar in Baltimore tonight! Sold out show! Woohoo!! Concerts: The Foals at Ottobar
| 5/7/2010 (Friday, 06:20 PM): Just bought my Starscape ticket!!
| 5/7/2001 (Monday, 10:35 PM): There wasn't breakfast for me so I went to a tapas bar for croissants and orange juice. My econ exam went okay. Then I went to get a haircut. I hung out at the Internet Cafe too. I was too tired for karate so dinner was just a bocadillo sandwich! Diaries: Day 119 Top Ten: Asleep In The Back by Elbow
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