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6/30/2022 (Thursday, 06:11 PM, Even More Food): Finally, some pizza delivered from Puputella!
| 6/30/2021 (Wednesday, 08:16 PM, Skys The Limit): What a cool sunset!
| 6/30/2020 (Tuesday, 06:22 PM, Food): Yummy stuffed cabbage from trying a new place to deliver, Rus Uz, an Uzbeki restaurant in Alexandria! Cool!!
| 6/30/2018 (Saturday, 11:43 PM): Wedding party crashed the bar Ben and I are at for the Scotch Bonnets and the Transmitters gig tonight at the Dew Drop Inn! So random! Concerts: The Scotch Bonnets at Dew Drop Inn
| 6/30/2017 (Friday, 07:45 PM): Wow what a crazy fun first date this is!!
| 6/30/2012 (Saturday, 01:38 PM): You can take away my power but when you close Yechon, now I know this is serious!
| 6/30/2011 (Thursday, 01:26 PM): Fuck, Sake got into the trash today and ate half of it, including leftover chicken bryiani and fig newtons. Yikes.
| 6/30/2009 (Tuesday, 10:24 PM): Meghan's response as to why she looked so exhausted after gym class tonight, well Dan was punching so fast I had to keep up!
| 6/30/2008 (Monday, 07:33 AM): I went to Anytime Fitness to possibly hire a personal trainer but I had no idea they were that much! The guy I would be working with has experience with the show The Biggest Loser and apparently has trained one of the final couples. Neat! Poetry: Reversal
| 6/30/2004 (Wednesday, 10:30 PM): Today was my last day at Chevy Chase Bank. It was fun!
| 6/30/2002 (Sunday, 10:16 AM): Yesterday I saw They Might Be Giants, a free show in DC. Spiraling and Juniper Lane also played. But I really loved Lake Trout the best!!
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