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7/21/2020 (Tuesday, 08:00 PM):
Cool sky tonight, looks like a smoke alarm to me somewhat!! Neat!
Poetry: God


7/21/2019 (Sunday, 06:49 PM, Sake And Friends):
Had fun meeting Phoebe the new kitten this weekend, so cute!


7/21/2018 (Saturday, 12:42 PM):
What to do with leftover Hen Quarter chicken!


7/21/2017 (Friday, 08:59 PM, Friends):
What a crazy day with Sam going to AU and the new MGM Casino! Nice to have an old friend in town this weekend.


7/21/2013 (Sunday, 01:52 AM):
Fun night of Cards Against Humanity!

7/21/2012 (Saturday, 08:57 PM, World Around Me):
I love being able to walk here from home.


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