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10/22/2021 (Friday, 09:17 PM):
Pretty cool that both the new Biffy Clyro and the new Zaz album came out today! Mon the Biff! And Zaz!!
Top Ten: The Myth Of The Happily Ever After by Biffy Clyro
Top Ten: Isa by Zaz


10/22/2018 (Monday, 08:27 PM, Around California):
Today was a free day since my family went back to work. I walked down 2nd Ave and bought souvenirs for friends back home, then over to Tabu Shabu for hot pot in Huntington Beach. Then over to Sunset Beach and back home!


10/22/2015 (Thursday, 08:11 PM):
Found an awesome southern restaurant called Southern Culture, in Greenville South Carolina, and we haven't even eaten yet!


10/22/2013 (Tuesday, 10:15 AM):
Woohoo, a new AFI CD!
Top Ten: Burials by AFI


10/22/2011 (Saturday, 11:46 AM):
So glad my car checkup was only $50, great way to justify the $350 spent on my Cowon J3.

10/22/2009 (Thursday, 09:31 PM):
Totally not motivated to pack but so excited for Chicago this weekend!

10/22/2006 (Sunday, 09:30 AM):
Dragonfly with Sam and Carrie was fun this weekend! Although we left after one round and went to a bar called Big Hunt. It was hot and our waitress was terrible. Then we went to Five to close out the night. That was a fun night and great to see Sam again!

10/22/2002 (Tuesday, 10:25 AM):
If anyone knows of any good, cheap apartments, let me know. I'm moving out in about 2 months, around the 1st of January.
Top Ten: From One by Ra
Top Ten: The Transplants by The Transplants


10/22/1999 (Friday, 10:15 AM):
Travel travel travel, my shoes are filled with rocks and gravel.
Poetry: Travel Travel Travel

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