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10/22/2021 (Friday, 09:17 PM): Pretty cool that both the new Biffy Clyro and the new Zaz album came out today! Mon the Biff! And Zaz!! Top Ten: The Myth Of The Happily Ever After by Biffy Clyro Top Ten: Isa by Zaz
| 10/22/2018 (Monday, 08:27 PM, Around California): Today was a free day since my family went back to work. I walked down 2nd Ave and bought souvenirs for friends back home, then over to Tabu Shabu for hot pot in Huntington Beach. Then over to Sunset Beach and back home!
| 10/22/2015 (Thursday, 08:11 PM): Found an awesome southern restaurant called Southern Culture, in Greenville South Carolina, and we haven't even eaten yet!
| 10/22/2013 (Tuesday, 10:15 AM): Woohoo, a new AFI CD! Top Ten: Burials by AFI
| 10/22/2011 (Saturday, 11:46 AM): So glad my car checkup was only $50, great way to justify the $350 spent on my Cowon J3.
| 10/22/2009 (Thursday, 09:31 PM): Totally not motivated to pack but so excited for Chicago this weekend!
| 10/22/2006 (Sunday, 09:30 AM): Dragonfly with Sam and Carrie was fun this weekend! Although we left after one round and went to a bar called Big Hunt. It was hot and our waitress was terrible. Then we went to Five to close out the night. That was a fun night and great to see Sam again!
| 10/22/2002 (Tuesday, 10:25 AM): If anyone knows of any good, cheap apartments, let me know. I'm moving out in about 2 months, around the 1st of January. Top Ten: From One by Ra Top Ten: The Transplants by The Transplants
| 10/22/1999 (Friday, 10:15 AM): Travel travel travel, my shoes are filled with rocks and gravel. Poetry: Travel Travel Travel
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