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4/30/2024 (Tuesday, 07:04 PM):
Made it back from my stay in the Poconos! Got back with plenty of time to decompress and I have tomorrow off too!


4/30/2022 (Saturday, 11:35 PM, Concerts):
Candlebox at the DC City Winery was pretty awesome but what a crazy time getting home! At least we got to hang out with Kevin for a bit too! Wow!!
Concerts: Candlebox at DC City Winery


4/30/2021 (Friday, 10:24 PM):
I met Jimmy Newquist in a zoom and I was the second to ask a question! I asked about the origin of the name and he said it was about an angel looking down and having your back! Standouts included King For A Day, Wallflower, Sullivan, and Turned Blue!
Top Ten: Typhoons by Royal Blood


4/30/2018 (Monday, 05:31 PM, Sake And Friends):
Sake wants to come in now, doesn't she?!


4/30/2017 (Sunday, 09:54 PM):
Saw the movie The Circle this weekend. It was okay.

4/30/2015 (Thursday, 08:35 AM):
So excited to get the new My Black Light in the mail this week!
Top Ten: Luciferian Light Orchestra by Luciferian Light Orchestra
Top Ten: A New Chance by My Black Light


4/30/2014 (Wednesday, 02:56 PM):
Sad to see Casa Fiesta go. So many great memories there!

4/30/2011 (Saturday, 11:23 PM):
Gotta love that getting a new speaker and sub woofer system takes priority over food shopping! Almost everything is set up in my new home! Yay!

4/30/2010 (Friday, 09:09 PM):
Rollerblading on the Mall today!

4/30/2009 (Thursday, 08:47 PM):
Getting psyched for a weekend in Cherry Hill NJ and Philly!
Top Ten: I Feel Cream by Peaches


4/30/2003 (Wednesday, 10:02 AM):
Rent was fun! Our tickets were in the back left of the orchestra, not bad for free tickets!

4/30/2001 (Monday, 10:05 PM):
Last day of classes! I have a B in my Econ class so yay! After school I went to the Internet Cafe for a Simpsons episode. Back at home I watched some Monty Python. After karate class I went home again for dinner. I ended the day at the cafe again!
Diaries: Day 112

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